What have Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, Men Style
Fashion, Roky Million and Porter Magazine got in common?
They were all at the Mayfair Hotel for the first ever UK
Social Media and Fashion Conference run by #brandussocial. Sound boring to you?
I was the first person there! I waited with anticipation, as Social Media is important to
every business, especially Fashion and not least of all mine, and I wanted to
learn from the experts. All of the
speakers had something interesting to say, I don’t know where to start – maybe
from the beginning as Daryl Hughs, Ecommerce Lead, Facebook, kicks off “If you are not reaching people where it matters to them,
you don't matter to people".
The @brandussocial team have worked hard for the first half
of this year, pulling together a great line-up for this event. Brands such as @twitter @google @facebook @JadisTillery @theAudienceHQ @TheRedTreeTRT @woolandthegang @boticca @BrandUsSocial #brandussocial set out
to define social media
media plays such a massive role in the Fashion Industry, for Men Style Fashion
it is there business, I watch as Gracie Opulanza arrives in another bespoke
outfit, made for her by new designer @kristinagoeswest. If anyone can tell you a thing or two about Social Media, Founder of Men Style Fashion Gracie Opulanza definitely can. Gracie reports Slow Down and Connect.
Luke Barnes
@theAudienceHQ warns
about 3rd party platforms.
no-one speaks better about a brand than the brand itself! You can’t force social media, you must
be true to your brand. Social
media is also like any other marketing, you should plan your campaign in
advance. There really was just too
much information to pass it all on to you, it was a great conference.
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